02/24/2025: Shred Event for Customers – Saturday, March 22nd – 9:00-11:30 a.m. – Gold Street Branch, Centralia

Security State Bank will hold a Shred Event for our customers on Saturday, March 22, 2025 from 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.(1) at our Gold Street Branch in Centralia (1930 South Gold Street). 

Keep your identity safe with free onsite shredding of your confidential paper items such as: personal confidential documents, cancelled checks, financial statements or invoices, credit card applications, pay stubs, old medical records, etc. 

Paper documents only! We cannot shred cardboard boxes, plastic bags, trash, food waste, etc.

Limit 4 boxes of shred per vehicle, please.

Shred Drop-Off Guidelines. Shred drop-off will work as follows: Customers are asked to place their shred in the trunk (or backseat) of their vehicle. Signage and volunteers will direct you to the drop-off line. When it’s your turn to pull-up to the shred truck, please remain in your vehicle while we collect your shred to place in the shred bin.

(1)Event may end early if shred truck fills to capacity.